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martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

The man who was abducted by aliens

Travis Walton

In 1993, premiered the film "Fire in the sky", which told the story of a case of alien abduction. At first glance it's one of so many cases, with the difference that the film is based on the book of the own Travis Walton "The Walton Experience", a terrifying experience that lived to be abducted. Travis Walton says that on November 5, 1975 he was abducted by a UFO. His claims were backed by several witnesses, causing much controversy. This controversy still continues without being resolved.

The abduction of Travis

Travis Walton was a young man of 19 years of age at the time of the incident. His best friend Mike Rogers, who operated a logging company had hired it to help remove bushes and undergrowth near Turkey Springs, Arizona. This was the largest contract that Roger had received. For not failing to its contractor, he and his team, including Walton, they would work from sunrise to sunset. On November 5, 1975, at 180:00 h the team ended their workday and they returned home in Rogers vehicle. After driving for a short period of time the group saw a bright light coming from behind a hill which were approaching. The group approached the strange light and discovered that the source was an object shaped saucer floating in the sky. Roger stopped the vehicle and Walton rushed toward the object to see it closer. The group that was in the vehicle shouted at Walton to come back, but ignored them. Walton was almost under the object when it started to emit a strong sound. The object came out a beam of blue light that engulfed Travis. It was raised from the soil, floating in the air moments before being launched to more than 3 meters. Walton crashed into the ground with a deafening noise. Rogers and other members of the team panicked and fled the place quickly.

The Rogers team

The Rogers team turned out of the strange object thinking that you pursuing them. A little while, they calmed down and stopped the vehicle. The team then began to discuss what they should do about the situation. Finally, they decided to go back and look for Walton. When they returned to the place, both the UFO and Walton were no longer. The team returned the people, last half an hour called police. Assistant sheriff Chuck Ellison answered the call. The men told him what had happened. The men were very distressed and some of them were crying. Ellison phoned his superior Marlin Gillespie, who came to the scene and heard the same story. Gillespie demanded that they all return to the place where appeared the mysterious object look for Travis. November 06, helicopters, volunteers and police officers were in search of Travis Walton.

The emergence of Travis

Monday, November 10, all members of the team of Rogers les is forced to be examined in the polygraph. Asked about the UFO and if they had been killed Walton or if they knew where he was. The team passed the polygraph, except that one of them refused to do the test. Although it later admitted that it was because of his criminal past. This led to the Sheriff Gillespie to affirm that the UFO story had actually taken place.

That same day, at midnight, Grant Neff, who was married to the sister of Walton, received a telephone call:

"I'm Travis. I am in a phone booth at the Heber gas station, and I need help. Come get me.'

Neff had been receiving phone calls from joke about the disappearance of Travis and thought what it was another equal call. But all change when he heard the chilling voice saying:

"Grant, I am... I am injured and need help. "Come and get me!"

Neff and the brother of Travis arrived at the petrol station, finding Travis collapsed on the floor of the telephone booth with the same clothes I had the day of his disappearance. Travis seemed confused and terrified and he murmured the words "beings with horrible eyes". Travis had the impression that had spent only a few hours, but when he learned that he had gone nearly a week State sank deeper in a State of disturbance. When Travis is calmed, explained a story to his family which already had countless times researchers, skeptical and in many conventions.

Alien experience

Travis said he remembered the strange ship light beam radiating through her body. That then passed out, wake-up sitting on a reclining chair with a bright light over your head. Travis says at the beginning was not afraid, since it meant that was in a hospital room. After recovering he realized that was not alone in that room. Around it there were creatures humanoid with very strange Orange costumes. He mentioned how you hurt all over his body and had problems breathing, while it was actually terrified to see these strange beings. Stood up and demanded that the creatures they are difference. Thinking that it was glass in an attempt to break it to make a makeshift knife, but it was a strange material not breaking, he picked up a cylindrical tube. Travis pushed one of the creatures that made the others out of the room.

He left the room to a hallway which in turn led to another strange room, sat in a Chair and was able to observe that the stars and the galaxies projected on the ceiling. Travis compared this projection as if it were a planetarium. Then began to manipulate a joystick that had on the left arm of the Chair, when did it the stars gradually turned to her around. He decided to get out of the Chair, back down the Hall to investigate a rectangular spot on the wall that looked like a door. Suddenly, Travis heard a noise behind him. Turned and was amazed to see a human being. He said that there was something strange in the "man". He wore a blue suit and a strange glass helmet, had abnormally large eyes gold but Travis relied on it and began to ask him some questions, but it was ignored. The man took Travis to another room which contained three other humans. Travis was sitting at a table among other human beings that according to one of them put an oxygen mask on his face immediately losing consciousness. Just remember that when he woke up and he was in the phone booth.

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