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viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

10 remedies to grow hair faster naturally

Add onion to our usual shampoo, we promote the blood circulation, since it acts in the hair follicles of the scalp, strengthen the hair and got to grow faster.

For women it is essential to make your hair look cute and healthy; but the dream of many women have hair that besides being cute, is long and strong. We have the mistaken belief that it is difficult to make our hair grow naturally quickly and that reason leads us to use chemicals and plenty powerful to accomplish that (not to mention the high costs of the same); What would you think if I tell you that you can grow your hair quickly and without thinking about the high costs of chemicals? Below will give you a few simple tricks with which achieve that your hair is healthy and nourished from the root, and thus grow quickly.


This excellent plant is known for its many benefits in terms of the body skin and as the focal point for our hair theme, since it helps us to keep it strong, shiny and healthy helping growth. How to use it? You can cut Aloe penca remove the glass, cut it into pieces and leave it in water overnight; the next day the water you use to wash your hair. If you use it several times a week you will notice favorable results for your hair.

2.water papa

The Pope is known for its high content of nutrients, which in this case we can use them for our hair, how to do it? It is very simple just take the shells of the potato place to boil water, then leave the cooking to stand until the water is warm, wash your hair normally and using the water for the final rinse. If use it two or three times a week really positive results in the short term.

3.Egg whites

Although there are many who believe that this method is not effective, it should be noted that the egg is a source of essential proteins for the body as well as the amount of vitamins that benefit in this case our hair and its growth, with this simple mask you accelerate the growth of hair. Part one how many eggs you remove the yolks, beat whites apply this mask leave it act for 30 minutes and then wash your hair normally immediately you'll notice the difference in your hair, use it 2 times a week to achieve results in a short time.

4.olive oil

One of the biggest problems in the hair is dryness, occasionally generated by chemicals, environmental pollution and the abuse of heat dryers and irons. If you want to make your hair look healthy and moisturized usa weekly a generous olive oil mask and placed over a slightly warm towel, the towel cools remove and leaves the oil until the next day. This mask provides moisture to the hair and at the time generates it healthy growth.


It is a plant recognized for its benefits on health and hair has superb results. It acts in the hair follicles of the scalp which promotes increased circulation towards this part of the body. To use this plant can do it in different ways: in masks to massage the scalp mixed with honey or chopped in the usual shampoo and use it 3 or 4 times a week. In this way you strengthen the hair and thus grow quickly.


This herb contains stimulant properties which wakes up the scalp and makes that grow hair. You can use it in infusion as a rinse and leave it, in oil or vinegar. This plant provides nutrients that accelerate the growth of the hair and keep it healthy.

7.coconut oil

Oil or coconut butter is a fat-like substance commonly used in the cosmetic industry as SOAP.

Applied in the hair, coconut oil smoothes intensively and can be perfectly used as a leave-in conditioner, locally at the ends, avoiding the scalp.

This product prevents the loss of protein from the hair, you will have a much more healthy and thus hair, it will grow rapidly.


The avocado is a delicious fruit, which has other benefits that may surprise, for example, avocado, with its aroma of walnut oil, does wonders in the hair. Some of the benefits that have the avocado for hair are the contribution of shine and luster, as well as loss prevention and the promotion of hair growth

It is known that the avocado hair contains minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, omega 3 and amino acids that are essential for the growth of hair, which has aroused an important debate about the masks for hair and its benefits, applied to leather scalp, but the tests ended the discussion, making clear that the avocado is good for the health of the hair.

Benefits of avocado that give life to the hair

As a conditioner avocado oil

One of the uses which have been given to the avocado for hair, is to be used as a natural conditioner. To prepare this conditioner be used organic oil, a ripe banana, one tablespoon of wheat germ oil or olive oil, shower, a few drops of any essential oil CAP, as rose, lavender, jasmine, sweet orange, for the sense of smell and beer.

The ingredients are mixed and apply the mixture on your hair after shampooing. This homemade conditioner should be left in the hair for about five minutes before rinsing. Avocado oil is used as a moisturizer hair, since it is made of something shiny and beautiful hair.

9.honey bee

Honey for hair. Most of us know honey as a super food that contributes to a healthier lifestyle. But, when it comes to use honey for skin or hair, it is possible to be surprised.

However, very few of us are aware of the good that is honey for hair growth.

Honey for hair, and treatment with oils is also very effective. You need to take 2 tablespoons of honey and mix with 1 tablespoon of olive oil extra virgin in a microwave-safe dish. Mix well with a spoon.

Then enter the mixture to the microwave for 30 seconds. Now keep to one side and leave it to cool for a minute.

Now apply throughout hair. Give a massage to the scalp. Try to cover your hair from tip to root. Cover it using a shower CAP and leave it on hair for 30 minutes.

Finally wash it with cold water.

10.almond oil

Almond oil has different nutrients that are important for hair to grow healthy and strong, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, E and A. When it comes to hair growth, almond oil is one of the most widely used treatments, since this oil stimulates the growth and achieved that the strands of hair are strong, moreover, provides shine to dull hair and help to prevent the fall of pe it.

Sweet almond oil is best suited for use as a treatment for hair, since it is easy to use in thin and thick, damp or dry hair and is easy to spread on the scalp.

¿How to use almond oil for hair?

There are several ways of how you can use almond oil on hair, these include the following:

-If you are one of those who tolerate them sleep with greasy hair, you must then apply almond oil and leave for the night, the day following have to wash with plenty of water. However, you can also apply to it only by one hour until you go to bed.

-Apply a few drops of almond oil after the shampoo, so you take advantage of its properties of sealing and can get a hair soft and shiny.

-To make hair grow thicker, you must combine three tablespoons of oil of almonds with three of castor oil, heats up a little and then have to apply it with a light massage on the scalp, for 8 minutes and finally have to wash with enough shampoo.

-If you have curly hair you can add a few drops of oil of almonds in your hands and apply it on the hair to keep it looking healthy and shiny.

-If you suffer from split ends, then, with a few drops of almond oil you should massage you hair so you can achieve to keep the division of hair.

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