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lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

natural tips to cure acute gastritis

We must ensure that our stomach not stays empty for a long time to prevent gastric acids to worsen the situation. We should have breakfast early and eat every 3-4 hours

Acute gastritis is known as inflammation in the stomach. In this article you'll find the 10 natural tips to cure acute gastritis.

Drugs such as aspirin and some pain medications harm 'backing' and the walls of the stomach. The excessive consumption of alcohol is also a cause of acute gastritis. Taking alcohol, coffee, tea and juice of lemon on an empty stomach may increase the risk of gastritis. Eat hot meals is one of the other causes of acute gastritis.

When hot meals come in stomach damage the stomach lining and interior walls delay or stop the circulation of the blood on the walls of the stomach and reddening of the stomach walls, irritated and, sometimes, even start bleeding in some cases. All this can gradually lead to chronic ulcers. An increase of uric acid in the blood can also be the cause of acute gastritis. Some remedies for the treatment of acute gastritis can be very helpful instead of using more powerful drugs.

The symptoms of acute gastritis

. Hunger does not feel especially at breakfast.

. Vomiting and sometimes blood in the vomit or stools.

. Feel burning in stomach.

. Feel pain in the belly and rib area.

. Weakness.

. Low levels of blood or HB.

Top 10 tips for gastritis

1.Add 2 tablespoons of honey in warm water and drink all day on an empty stomach. The acidity of stomach is decreased and the walls are naturally cured.

2.Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the Cup hot or warm milk every day early in the morning on an empty stomach to heal stomach irritation is the best treatment for gastritis.

3.On a daily basis consumed a quarter of a teaspoon of onion, Nigella seeds kaloonji to cure stomach and treat acute gastritis. Eat black onion seeds to remove ulcers continuously and even stomach cancer.

4.Eat porridge with honey every day at breakfast is very beneficial for curing acute gastritis and ulcers.

5.Add 2-3 tablespoons of psyllium (ispaghol) in 1 cup of yogurt and add 1 banana in it. Eat every day half an hour before breakfast. Very beneficial for stomach health.

6.Put the dried seeds of papaya in the Sun and get a daily powder these, put it on slices of pineapple and consume it daily on an empty stomach.

7.Take green cardamom seeds, fennel and cinnamon in equal quantity and FRY in a dry skillet just for 20-30 second. It crushes all and eats half teaspoon after each meal.

8.Eat between 2-3 TSP of black salt a day after each meal for 1-2 months to eliminate any cause of gastritis and ulcers.

9.Daily squeeze juice of 2 or 3 tablespoons pure parsley and add 1 pinch of black salt and black pepper powder. Drink daily 3 times during the day. It will also improve your hunger.

10.Ginger is the best herb for the healing of the stomach. Mix ginger and juice of onion in equal amounts and takes all the days two times a day for the relief of inflammation, nausea, and irritation of the stomach.

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