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lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

Nature's way to lower blood pressure

Thanks to traditional Chinese medicine, we can discover different techniques that can help us to regulate our cholesterol levels. It is also appropriate to also follow a balanced diet to keep them stable

Blood pressure is the force that occurs when the heart leads the blood through the arteries to the organs.

How much higher is the tension, greater is the effort that has to do the heart to pump blood.

The main risk is that of not being controlled, the pressure can cause damage to blood vessels and severe problems in the heart muscle.

In adults the normal blood pressure levels are 120 mm Hg when the heart beats for physical activity and 80 mm Hg when it is in sleep mode.

He is deemed to be above the right thing when the first measure exceeds the 140 mm Hg and the second, 90 mm Hg.

What worries most about this condition is that it had no strong symptoms, unless it is in a more complicated stage.

This "silence" is quite dangerous, since it makes it impossible to receive early treatment before the consequences are more serious.

Ancient Chinese traditional method to reduce blood pressure in 5 minutes

The majority of people diagnosed with hypertension receive drug treatment to stabilize it.

However, traditional Chinese medicine offers alternative methods which can be controlled naturally, long as it is accompanied by other healthy habits.

1 and 2 pressure points

The points of pressure 1 goes from the back of the ear lobe until the middle of the clavicle (point 2).

Imagining that there is a line that unites them over these, through that stretch with gentle pressure using the fingertips.

Repeat the movement about 10 times on each side of the neck.

3 pressure point

After massaging points 1 and 2 which are shown in the image, located the point which is half a centimeter from the lobe of the ear towards the nose.

Then, get a gentle pressure with the tips of the fingers and performs a gentle massage for 1 minute on each side.

According to experts, this kind of techniques are based on the interconnection of various regions of the body, with which you can undo the blockages of blood flow to regulate the pressure.

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