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lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

How to cure "fatty liver"

In the case of non-alcoholic fatty liver, the solution is given by a change in eating habits. It is essential to include elements that refine the liver, like herbal teas, fruits and vegetables

Hepatic steatosis, popularly known as "fatty liver" is a reversible condition that disappears when changing certain daily habits. Although it is not normal, nor becomes serious if it is on time. This article learn how to cure the "fatty liver".

Characteristics of fatty liver

It occurs in people whose level of fat in this body represents between 5 and 10% of the liver weight. In the majority of cases those suffering from diabetes or persons over the age of 50 suffer from it. It is true that many patients with fatty liver disease do not present any complication that worth mentioning. This disease can be classified into two types:

Fatty liver by alcohol: is caused by excessive drinking. It is the earliest stage of a liver disorder such as cirrhosis. The liver, not being healthy, you cannot break down fats and they accumulate. If the patient leave the alcohol in time, the condition disappears (after six to eight weeks of abstinence). However, if the person continues it becomes more severe complications.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: is not due to the intake of alcohol, but it is also one of the causes of cirrhosis. This condition replaces the healthy liver tissue by one "healed", in the long or medium term preventing that the body can function properly. Obesity, type II diabetes, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome or Syndrome X, high levels of triglycerides or losing weight too fast can be the trigger

The particularity of the "fatty liver" is not usually too obvious or characteristic symptoms, i.e. which can be confused with other ailments or conditions. In the event that the disorder progress, signs which alerts you to are:

. Anxiety in the evenings

. Fibromyalgia

. Abdominal fat

. Uric acid, cholesterol, and high triglycerides

. Hair loss

. Acne

. Warts on neck and armpits

. Sleep (snoring)

. Fatigue

. Loss of appetite

. Problems for weight loss

. Nausea

. Difficulty concentrating

Natural remedies to treat fatty liver disease

In addition to take advantage of home remedies, it is necessary for the person suffering from this condition to make some changes in their daily lives, especially in regards to their diet and habits (such as excessive drinking). Liver recovery can take their time if the patient does not agree and let everything that jeopardizes this organ. The most effective home remedies are:

Artichoke: Feel free to add this plant to your daily diet to improve the health of the liver. It has no calories, it is an excellent diuretic, helps regulate cholesterol and blood sugar, reduces the absorption of fats, among other benefits. He is advisable to consume at least twice a week, in a natural way, in preparations light, boiled or baked, no dressings, sauces or creams.

Medlar: its advantages for many ailments, among them, are known to cure fatty liver. This is because it improves the liver functions and has a purifying effect on the organism. Consumed some fruit as a dessert.

Radish and sugar beet: both must be added to the diet because they are used to reduce inflammation and purify the liver, are very nutritious and provide few calories. Radish can be consumed raw or shredded in salads and beets boiled to be an outstanding ingredient for salads or as an accompaniment.

Milk Thistle: is a plant very used to help in the treatment of fatty liver. The dried leaves are used to make an infusion that protect this body and improve their functions. Do eat three cups a day, with a tablespoon of milk thistle in each.

Dandelion: is one of the most powerful purifying that exists, helps cleanse the liver and improve liver health. He is advisable to consume three cups per day of an infusion made with a tablespoon of dandelion for every ¼ liter of boiling water.

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