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martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

The man who said to live 17 years on Mars

Randy Cramer

We have all heard information varied from NASA, the American space agency that holds a lot of secrets, unknown technologies and contacts with beings from another planet. But there are many people who have worked on these projects and then have disconnected for various reasons, they have commented on space programmes involving the Earth, the Moon and Mars. The case which we will analyze deals with one of these individuals Randy Cramer which says having worked on a secret program that took him to be for 17 years on the planet Mars.

Randy Cramer and his relationship with NASA

Not only is a story of a man telling how he lived on the planet Mars, also these facts coincide very accurately with other sources as Mufon is the most serious investigation agency UFO telling as the great global elites preparing in secret a process of colonization of the planet Mars.

Many have been alerted of these plans and have been able to disassociate itself from NASA to tell the world the truth of what is happening, one of them is Randy Cramer a man who claims to have been on Mars for 17 years on the instructions of the space agency and its story  It is simply stunning. Cramer signs that he was recruited by NASA when he was 17-years-old for a part of a special program that took him to the dark side of the moon where was unable to verify the existence of secret bases.

¿How do to get Randy Cramer to Mars?

For starters, must say that Cramer stories match other accounts of people speaking of advanced technology controlled by mankind on the planet Mars, these stories realize the type of ship that has been able to move human beings to the red planet. Accounts agree that ships that moved to Mars are triangular with lights at the bottom that allow them to boost their anti gravity field. These ships have been seen in many places in the world for people who identified them as UFOS.

According to Randy Cramer triangular ships were made with remains of advanced ships extraterrestrial type that had crashed on Earth and which had been reconstructed adapted to this technology with the help of extraterrestrial beings with whom nasa has contact for many years.

Randy Cramer on Mars experience

According to Cramer the planet Mars it was colonized by humans in the 1960s and since then started a very ambitious project to establish there human bases, which finally in 1975 were installed with the first objective of extracting minerals. Cramer also claimed that it was a corporation which is responsible for managing all the projects on Mars which was responsible for recruiting him and train him along with thousands of young people more as a super soldier.

Cramer also told that the atmosphere of Mars is similar to Earth and although the air is more dense, incredibly you can breathe by humans, but despite this, a special suit is necessary to do any work on the exterior of the bases because oxygen is very low. Randy Cramer speak also on the planet there is abundant vegetation in some areas not known currently and that the sky is blue when the Sun is putting but that during the day the sky is tone purple and red. This last statement has been admitted in his latest photographs revealed by NASA.

There is extraterrestrial life on Mars according to Cramer

This intriguing former agent of NASA also revealed that the planet Mars inhabited by two types of beings who are native to the planet and that dominate certain territories, a race of reptiles and other race of insects, both equipped with intelligence and sometimes during the time that he was there were battles among them for controls in the territories of the planet.

But which is more intriguing from this story is that according to Cramer after 17 years fulfilling missions on the red planet, a day after sleep, he woke up in his room having 17 years of age, but strangely could not erase from his mind memories of this exp experience. Do you what do you think? It would be only a dream or really Randy Cramer was all that time on Mars and then it was returned by manipulating the space time by extraterrestrial beings in agreement with humans who control the world? And if so, then, many of us could have been used in the same way, except that the erasure of memory if it succeeded?

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