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lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

10 of the world's largest dog

1.San Bernardo

The true origin of the San Bernardo is subject to much speculation and many theories about how and when did this race have emerged. Some theories have one larger base than others, but the truth is that probably we will never know with certainty what were the origins of this breed of working warm and affable. Anyway, its origin can be traced, with complete assurance, the ancient Roman dogs known as molossians. These dogs were brought to Helvetia (Switzerland) by the Roman armies during the first two centuries of our era. The race proceeds, originally of the Greeks, having been brought from their homeland (in Asia minor) by Alexander the great.

During this time, there were two distinct types of molossians: Illyria and Babylon. These old dogs are at the origins of all the current Swiss races, which include the San Bernardo, Bouvier Bernois and the great Swiss Bouvier. They were, above all, dogs of war used for surveillance, but which also fulfilled its role as Shepherd, shooting and search and rescue dogs.

Towards the year 1,000 A.d., these old dogs were well-established in the Swiss Alps and began to be known as Talhunds (dogs of the valleys) or Bauernhunds (farm dogs). They had a variety of shapes and sizes and many had the same features as the current San Bernardo.

Towards the end of the 10th century, the Archdeacon Bernardo de Mentón founded his famous Hospice in the Swiss Alps. This sanctuary was a refuge for travelers crossing the difficult steps between Switzerland and Italy. Soldiers and merchants used also of the great St. Bernard Hospice to escape the bitter cold and snow. This Hospice is situated more than 2,400 meters above the sea level. Now already it is not used as shelter, although it has become a tourist attraction for travellers visiting the area.

According to the historians of race, Bernardo de Mentón was one of the first people to enter this race at the Hospice. The first document of the arrival of this race to the Hospice dates back to 1660. The monks who worked outside the monasteries of the region used the St. Bernard as a protection dog, and for search and rescue missions. The monks had you in high esteem due to many reasons. One of the most important was the unique ability of this breed have a presentiment of the avalanches which were about to occur.

The most famous dogs of the Almshouse was one called «Barry». This specimen lived until the age of 14 and the documents say that he saved more than 40 people. Without any help, Barry was able to dig up anyone who was under the snow. Anyway, he almost lost his life tragically in 1812. He was confused to Barry with a Wolf while trying to dig up a snow man. He was stabbed several times by the person who was trying to rescue. It survived this horrible event, but never again to have the necessary form PEAR play their search missions. Thus, he retired to Bern, where he spent the last two years of his life. When he died, Barry had become a legend, and his body was dissected, preserved in Bern Natural History Museum.

Another great admirer of San Bernardo was Napoleón Bonaparte. At the beginning of the 19th century, it helped to finance several other hospices that later would become refuges for many members of royalty during the 19th century. The Hospice of San Bernardo was then known around the world and was responsible for the salvation of 2,000 lives. Other visitors of exception include Queen Victoria de Inglaterra, his spouse (Prince Albert), and many other members of the British Royal family who visited the place.

Currently, the Hospice is only a tourist attraction for all fans to this race. A statue of the founder (San Bernardo de Mentón) stands, proud, on the slope of the mountain.


The Leonberger breed takes its name from the German city of Leonberg, located in the region of Wuntemberg, just 15 kilometres from Stuttgart.Desde time immemorial take place in this beautiful and medieval city a traditional and important horse market, and regularly at that time were presented for sale copies of this race.

As in many races, the exact origin of the Leonberger remains in the darkest of worlds.

Not exactly specify the time at which the Leonberger was submissive to the will of man, but of all ways domestication dates back to distant times. Is true that not one can speak of the Leonberger breed without speaking of the Mastiff of the Tibet.

Marco Polo speaks in his writings of travel, on his return from Tibet (1729), of this great Doge of Tibet during his visit to the Court of the great Mongol, stating that they were big as donkeys and that well could have been caressed by the Venetian. This large molosser mountain existed, and there is still, in many villages of the Himalayas, according to the majority of the experts, place you as the ancestor of the molossians current.

The travel diary of father Huc to the Gobi desert (1844), and more recently M. Ségogne (1937), describes the current descendants of the Doge of Tibet coinciding characteristics with the current Leonberger. Therefore the origin could well be the Dogo or Mastiff of the Tibet with contributions of San Bernardo and the Terranova or other breeds of mountain. This trotting mountain German has its equalizations in almost everyone. See the mountain of the Pyrenees (France), the Mastiff of the Pyrenees (Spain), St. Bernard (Switzerland), the Maremmano (Italy), the Komondor (Hungary), Terranova (Canada), the Charplaninatz (Yugoslavia), Tchouvacg (Czechoslovakia) In short, it is very reasonable to assume that with invasions from the East to Europe, with the contribution of its great dogs of Mongolia and its subsequent junction with breeds will come to set in across the European continent. There are writings already in the year 1625 in which copies in Austria, are in the vicinity of the Princes of Metternich, whose buildings are virtually identical to the current morphology of the Leonberger. There is written evidence of the sale of a Leonberger dog in 1771.

Later they will be favorites in the Imperial courts of Austria and his good name will be extended throughout Europe. The Queen María-Antoinette (Austrian-born) possessed a Leonberger measuring more than one metre.

However, Werner Jocker in 1961 presented in the Institute's breeding and genetic research and psychology at the University of Munich a thesis under the direction of Professor H. Bauer, in whose work, aside from the General considerations about the domestication of the Leonberger, develops a study on the history of the race, which can be removed as follows: "in Leonberg, Heinrich Essig (1808-1889), great lover of animals, municipal councillor of his city, enjoyed a good reputation in Germany and on occasions of" breeders of other countries. His kennel became very famous."

Essig would have bought a dog of breed type Landseer Terranova and St. Bernard long-haired crossed it with an exemplary race male. Descendants were reproduced in strict inbreeding, but Essig was especially looking for white color, so this obtained offspring crossed with a male Great Pyrenees mountain race casually possessed, and in this way the first "truly" exemplary Leonberger, according to Essig, was born in the year 1846. According to Kraus, the first name used for its specimens was "Leonbardiner", and no Leonberger. Genetically appears impossible to obtain the fawn mantle, black mask from a Landseer (black and white), of a St. Bernard hair long and a mountain in the Pyrenees.

With extraordinary speed and a keen business sense, Essig during long years flooded Europe and the rest of the world of copies called Leonberger. From zar Nicolas, the Emperor Napoleón III and even countries such as Austria, America, Japan and a long etcetera.

The Leonberger begin to appear in exhibitions such as Hambourg, where obtained the first individual awards and in group. Men of science such as Drs. Haring and Jacer extolling the image of her excellent figure.

Today are still old lithographs executed from the canvases of the animal painters of the time: Specht, Lautemann and Beckman, where we can contemplate.

According to several scholars, Essig wanted to combine the qualities of several mountain breeds to find your "ideal" dog. Seems to be that its objective was only selling their copies at amazing prices for the era, promoting them skillfully, placing copies in houses of characters of high society and in countries where there were no races using information from Mountain, failing that way to verify the authenticity of the breed. This came to join that Essig did not hand over or standard, or pedigree, nor any documentation, thing really strange, because the delivery of documentation was already practiced in the second half of the 19th century for the majority of the races.

After the death of the municipal councillor Essig the glory of the Leonberger would diminish, not by a defect in the race, but for reasons of fashion change.

An article from a newspaper on March 25, 1870 Austrian gave faith of high consideration which the Empress of Austria Elisabeth (1837-1898) had the Leonberger breed: "her Majesty the Empress, from his return from Rome, has a magnificent Leonberger dog".

We must note that, according to the times story, this Leonberger had a white mantle glare, except ears Brunettes or dark brown. Therefore color not had been set even in these years from 1846 to 1870.

Como conclusion, for not to dwell much, the thesis that more approaching reality, or rather the most supported, would place the origin of the Leonberger with the Doge of Tibet and subsequent contribution NES of the Terranova and the St. Bernard.


Although the exact origin of the American Pit Bull Terrier is not known, its roots are running to England, to the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 19th century.

The American Pit Bull Terrier were bred for two purposes: for fighting against bulls (very much in vogue at that time) and to move herds of cattle by hunters and farmers. Although these dogs were called Bulldog, we should not confuse them with the current Bulldogs. In fact they were more akin to the current Pit Bull. This is a theory of the origin of the breed. Another says that it arose from the crossing of the old Bulldog and a Terrier.

One further theory says that its origins come from the ancient Molossians, who were used in the war by the Assyrians in the year 2000 B.C. These dogs were powerful, strong and very faithful. What this theory does not explain is if they came to England by trade with the Phoenicians or was the war against the Romans.

This fact importantly they crossed these Kali with a race that already existed there and that gave more ferocious than the Molossians dogs. The evolution of the Molossians British gave rise to two races, the Bandog and the Alaunt, races that would later lead to the Bulldog and the Mastiff.

A last theory says that the APBT is the same race as the old Bulldog and that has been to our origins.

As we see no one can be certain the provenance of this magnificent breed.

Physical characteristics

Dog body rough, rugged and very muscular, although short in terms of the length. The head is wedge view from above and round view from the front. The mandible of this breed is characteristic with the so-called "closure of scissors", well embedded teeth.

It is remarkable his hindquarters with a hip long, sloped and wide to secure a greater starting power. The snout is notable for having the wide nostrils. The ears have no folds and are straight. His bright beady eyes.

Character and behavior

Although the APBT has historically been bred to Excel in combat with other dogs, if the dog is well bred puppy from us we will give account having a temper extremely balanced and, contrary to popular belief, it is not aggressive by nature with humans.

What is certain is that arriving at adults, some Pit Bulls may show aggression towards other dogs. Although this aggressiveness may decrease if from puppies joins them with other puppies so they become accustomed to other dogs and so reduce almost completely on that aggressiveness.

It has a playful character, they are very stubborn and very intelligent. They are dogs, always ready to exercise, to meet his master in everything it asked (by difficult or expensive it is), what makes these dogs to learn in a fast and easy way. They love to be congratulated and embraced.

Never never tire. Energy and vitality out of the ordinary are full of. Feel a great devotion to his master.

4.Tibetan Mastiff

The Mastiff of the Tibet, also known as Tibetan Mastiff or Do-Khyi, is one of the most ancient Oriental breeds that exist. It is known for being a work of former pastoralists of the Himalayas race as well as a dog for the protection of Tibetan monasteries. When Tibet was invaded by China in the Decade of the 50, these Bulldogs virtually disappeared from their original lands. Fortunately for the race, many of these huge dogs were to India and Nepal, from where turned to populate the race. With the export of Tibetan mastiffs to England and United States race gained popularity among fans to dogs in the West.

Believed that the Mastiff of the Tibet is the breed of predecessor of all breeds of mastiffs and great height mountain dogs, although there is no evidence confirming it. His bark is certainly unique and is considered a feature of the highly valued race.

This ancient and amazing dog is mentioned for the first time in history thanks to Aristotle (384-322 BC), however the origin of the breeding of the breed unknown. Also Marco Polo mentions it who on her trips to Asia (1,271 ad) praises a dog of great strength and size. Later, in the 19th century, Queen Victoria de Inglaterra received in Europe to one of the first Tibetan mastiffs, specifically in 1847. Such was its impact that years later, in 1898, was recorded in Berlin the first group of European Tibetan Doges, specifically in the Berlin zoo.

Physical characteristics of the Tibet Mastiff

The Mastiff of the Tibet stands out as a strong, powerful dog of giant, very robust and impressive size. On the standard of the breed he is described as a solemn and serious, appearance of majestic force dog.

This Mastiff head is wide, heavy and strong, with slightly rounded skull. The occiput is very pronounced and slightly depression (stop) is well defined. The nose color depends on the color of the fur, but should be as dark as possible. The snout is broad. The eyes are medium-sized, Brown and oval. The ears, average insertion, are triangular, medium-sized and hanging.

The body is sturdy, strong and a little longer than high. The back is straight and muscular, while the breast is very deep and of moderate breadth. The tail is length medium and high insertion. When the dog is active it takes her screwed loose on the back.

The fur of the Tibetan Mastiff is composed of two layers. The outer coat is rough, thick and not very long hair. The inner layer is dense and woolly in cold season, but becomes a sparse fur during heat season. The hair can be with or without fire marks, black blue with or without brands fire, sable or Golden. A White Star on the chest and minimal white markings on feet accepted.

The minimum size of females is 61 cm at the Withers, while males have a minimum of 66 centimeters to the cross. There is no height limit.

Character of the Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a dog of a independent, but very loyal and protective nature with the family to which it belongs. Although it is not a dog attached, enjoy the presence of their family members, who do not hesitate to protect. On the contrary, it tends to be distrustful with strangers. It tends to get along with other dogs and animals, especially dogs of the same size, although this behavior is closely related to socialization received puppy.

It is usually docile and friendly with children in the home, however, and although it is a quiet dog in house, by its large size and strength can hurt unintentionally, so it is recommended to always supervise the sessions of play between children and dog as well as offer a toy that is the "middleman" in their relationship and fun times.

At home is a quiet dog, but away from home requires sessions of moderate activity, to keep in shape your muscles and relieve the stress of everyday life. Through long walks we will make the necessary physical activity for our Tibetan mastiff. To note Interestingly that these dogs tend to be barking by his past as guardians, as well as destructive dogs when they are alone, if they suffer from anxiety or even conduct problems.

In terms of recommendations, is not a breed suitable for inexperienced owners, his tenure is recommended to people with advanced knowledge of dog training, animal welfare and possession of large sized dogs.


The kangal dog comes from the province of Sivas, Turkey, specifically in the district who gave him name. It is part of a group of shepherds called Çoban Köpegi dog breeds. The place of origin is almost all that is known with certainty of the kangal breed, there is little history documented on these dogs. One generally accepted theory is that the Turkish kangal dogs already existed at the time of the Roman Empire and that soldiers used to these molossians as company in its marches

On the other hand, is believed to the kangal race result of 3 dogs: the molossians of Assyria, Mastiff type; the molossians Romans who came from Greece; and the English mastiffs. It is believed that the Romans crossed these dogs in search of the perfect race to protect their flocks. It was then, in theory, the kangal dog was exported to Turkey and began to develop the breed.

Characteristics of the Turkish kangal dog

The kangal dog is very muscular, strong and powerful, imposing appearance. It has some resemblance to mastiffs, but he is not considered such.

The head of the kangal dog is large, wide and long, which gives it great strength and power in the jaw. It has small, quite separate eyes each other has a great field of view! and dark brown. His ears hang to the sides of the head, triangular rounded end and medium.

The Turkish kangal dog's tail is long and strong; It takes her curled up on the body in times of activity.

There is a race very similar to the kangal, the Anatolian Shepherd; the only relevant difference between the two is considered to be the hair. The kangal dog has it short and dense, with a very thick layer of Undercoat. The colors accepted in kangal breed vary from Brown to grey, but only solid colors are supported. In addition, they have a black mask on the face. On occasions, presented a small white mark on the chest.

Character of the kangal dog

Kangal dogs have a reserved and suspicious character, may be aggressive with strangers and other dogs, especially those of the same sex. To prevent this from happening, early socialization is essential.

Without however, with his family and acquaintances, things change! It is a protective instinct and very friendly dog. Gets along well with children and other pets, provided that you have grown up with them. Put an adult kangal dog to a House to live with other animals already is not such a good idea. Do not forget that it is a sheepdog and vigilante... defend your space constantly.

If you're thinking about adopting a dog kangal as a pet, may not be ideal. His aggressive and suspicious temper can be a disadvantage. However, these features make it perfect for you if you are looking for a guard dog or pastor.

The kangal dogs usually present two typical behavior problems, but which are avoidable with a good education of the kangal puppy. These are excessive barking and the tendency to destroy things.


The borzoi is part of the Group of greyhounds whose origins are not known with accuracy. There are several hypotheses relating to the creation of this powerful aristocratic looking dog. Apparently, the history of the borzoi is intimately linked to the Russia. In the middle ages, the inhabitants of this country in the stately hunting parties used a long-haired Hound and ears drooping born from the cross between the Saluki, or Persian Greyhound, and a native shepherd dog. That dog will probably continued to evolve in Century XVIII thanks to a contribution of greyhound blood.

According to another hypothesis, equally acceptable, the borzoi would have been created in the 16th century. In 1552, Iván the Terrible seized Kazan, current capital of the Autonomous Republic of the Tartars, and banished to a number of notable Iaroslavl in the Volga and Kostroma regions. There, the exiles have crossed their sighthound in Asia, almost all sloughis, with the laika, a dog breed of longhaired, one of whose varieties used in the hunt. Other crosses in which each breeder resorted to blood considered most appropriate to get the model who wanted to could then occur. And taking into account the surface of Russia, can affirm that the homogeneity obtained at the end of the sigloXVIII is all a feat.

For centuries, the borzoi was confined to the territory of Russia. Some few examples out of the country from time to time, usually intended for the service of the great characters of every age. Thus, in the sigloXI, Enrique I, King of France, was married to the daughter of Iaroslav the wise, Duke of Kiev, and this sent to them as a wedding gift three greyhounds, one black, another grey and the third fawn. Queen Victoria received a pair of borzois but not interested very much for them.

The hours of glory of the borzoi in the Tsarist Russia came to an end in the middle of the last century. The liberation of the serfs by Alexander ll in 1861 resulted in the sale of large estates. Lords ceased to be interested in hunting and the number of packs decreased considerably. The peasant revolt of 1871 fell even more troops. That certainly was the reason that in 1873 was founded the imperial society for the propagation of the true fighter whose goal was to promote the hunting with the borzoi. The society organized a major exhibition which, according to Boldareff, owner of one of the best packs of the era, received very different samples from all regions of the country. The occasion was a standard who put the official name of "hairy Hound of Russia" to the borzoi.

Thus, the borzois reappeared in Russia gradually. Although less numerous they were before, most beautiful, to reconstitute the breeding and the packs, were rigorously players thanks to a better understanding of the laws of genetics.

At the end of the 19th century the first borzois were introduced in Western Europe, a fact that would lead to a new modification of the aspect of the race. The English found this dog at the exhibition in the Crystal Palace in London in 1871, and in order to transform it a little, were devoted to their offspring and were much less impressive, mostly from poor coat dogs. It was away from the fierce borzoi of Russia Hunter of wolves.

Symbol of the aristocracy and of the Czarist regime in Russia, the borzoi became evil after the revolution of 1917. But after the Soviets revalorised race to the point that today the borzoi is the Russian national dog. The rational exploitation of the breeding centres, the Organization of exhibitions and above all tests work, effective control of the players, the disclosure of the use of the borzois in hunting animals of hair, all these measures allowed to retrieve the purity of the breed. Currently, the borzois just hunt the Wolf in Russia. On the other hand, you are also engaged in hunting Fox and a variety of large Hare. The results of dogs are closely followed in order to maintain the best copies to the highest level. The classic borzoi is located mainly in northern Russia while that a variety of similar, more durable and specialized in hunting animals of hair in the Center.

In the West, the borzoi is essentially a companion dog although it also participates in the races on the tracks.


Even today remains a genuine mystery show the origin of the Terranova. There are many theories that are known, some of them being:

Originally from Canada, on the island of Terranova, is one animal rescue has rescued more lives. The fishermen of the area used this dog almost similar to the bear's appearance and its strength as a rescue to help the shipwrecked and to recover the fish escaping from nets.

The origin of the breed can be located in Terranova, on the eastern coast of Canada. At beginning of 1880 fishermen in various parts of Europe they traveled to Terranova building on the banks of cod and it was there where they found two types of working dogs: one with large and heavy build, the Terranova, and other smaller known yactivo as the Variant St. John completo of Terranova (which were in St. John's, the capital city port of insular Terranova region). Both races were used equally for pulling fishing nets."" ... Although their origin is the island of Terranova, located in the Atlantic Ocean, is not known with certainty if they were already there when the settlers arrived during the 16th century. He speculates on the possibility that they were Basque fishermen who take dogs of Pyrenean type that crossed with water dogs.

the Terranova has an intersection with the old Tibetan Mastiff (theory is advocated by Fred Stubbart, Member of the Terranova Club of America), which supposedly would come to the island from the hands of the Vikings

Even there are myths or legends which have never been tested by any historian, nor document is there any no-testimony of survivors. Some of them:

The legend who was then a Terranova Dog rescued the footballer Napoleón Bonaparte when on one occasion this fell from a boat into the water.

A legend told by Bob Goen (Discovery Channel commentator) has a Terranova itself only assisted in the rescue 63 sailors from a shipwreck.

Another myth was born out of an article that was published in 1912, in which a Terranova would have helped rescue many survivors of the Titanic.

The Terranova is officially known by that name since 1775, when George Cartwright (trader and entrepreneur in fisheries for cod, salmon and the trade in skins, as well as a friend of the Indians, Beothuks, who is said also that who took these dogs to the island) were named after these individuals with the name of the island. Fishing season in them was released and is for this reason that in the year 1780 a Governor called Edwards (say the chroniclers) signed a decree that restricted possession of these copies to one per family. Years later the decision radicalizes the measure almost nobody respects her and is in 1815 when cuts itorgan sets a new standard by which are allowed to sacrifice all the copies that are released and unmuzzled. At that time they became so numerous that began the import of these specimens by the United Kingdom, the city of Pool mainly since then maintained a close business relationship with the island of Terranova. Used as draught animals and in work relating to water, therefore were requested as dogs on board, for the rescue of shipwrecked as well, given its large size and strength, as guardians. Although at present and despite being great protectors of their families are not dogs for guard and defense because of his non-aggressive nature.

The Terranova was for the first time in an exhibition in the year 1860 in Birmingham, although the first issue does not enroll in the book of origins to the year 1878. The first breed Club was founded in the United States in 1885 and as proof of the popularity that were acquired in such a short time is the presentation in Preston, in the year 1892, of one hundred and twenty-eight copies of the Terranova breed, which made that he founded in 1893 the  Club Terranova of the continent (DNK). In a short time the Terranova crossed all borders becoming a copy of great prestige. In short we can say that it has been bred for centuries to arrive today to us as a friendly animal and of good temperament, intelligent and with an extreme effort to please, as well as with a strong sense of loyalty and remarkable life-saving instincts, and a Despite its large size do not ever give the feeling of heaviness. We can not ignore his stubbornness, his passion for the water (bringing them occasionally to look scruffy) and their inexhaustible you babas... but even this is impossible to resist his personality, it is without a doubt the best friend you can have.

8.English Mastiff

The English Mastiff exists in Britain since 2000 years ago and was exported to Rome as a military dog and fight. It can come from Asia via the Mediterranean and Phoenician merchants, or with other traders through the Urals and North Europe.

Throughout its long history, the Mastiff has contributed to the development of a number of dog breeds, including the Bullmastiff.  His name probably evolved from the Anglo-Saxon word 'masty', meaning powerful: documents of the English Court from 1590 recorded the purchase of "a bulldog Mastiff". The English Mastiff is currently rare. It is one of the world's greatest dogs, need plenty of space to live and lots of food. It is usually submissive, but it can be very protective with their owners and must treat him wisely, since it is extremely strong and it can be difficult to control.


-The ears are small, thick and are implemented very high on the head.

-The tail is wide at the root and tapers toward the tip.

-The front legs are straight, quite separate and dense bones.

-The protective coat is short and snug, but not too fine, covers the winter protective inner layer.

-It has feet large and round, with well arched toes and black nails.

-The eyes are dark and far apart.

-The head has a marked but not abrupt stop.

-Variety colors: albaricoque-cervato, silver-Fawn, Fawn, dark-stained.

9.Great Dane

In the canine world, the great Dane is one of the most celebrated giants. Hunting dog by nature, was employed in medieval times in the hunting of the wild beasts great, including the dangerous wild boars, wolves and even bears. Its elegant and high porte also reserved a worthy place at the foot of the Kings and other monarchs in Europe of those times.

The great Dane is not considered him originally from Denmark. The present this wonderful dog breed recognition is given to Germany, although in the United Kingdom also developed a very similar dog that could have some influence on the current. Really not sure why in Danish.

He is not that the name of the form has originated, but it's funny: in France it is called 'Grand Danois', which means great Dane. It says it was the naturalist Buffon who used this term for the first time in France. Accompanying the name this naturalist made the following comment: under the influence of the climate of Denmark became the Greyhound in great Dane. Which justifies not only the name but also the origin of the breed. Clear, with regard to the name, it is not known if it was he who gave it, but with respect to the origin of the breed, that is another thing.

The lineage of this breed is considered to be very old. According to taxed much like dog is estimated that at least it has existed for four thousand years, perhaps thousand more. Before the 19th century in Germany mixed it with other breeds to improve their skills of Hunter. Blood of the English hunting dogs was added in the 15th century. You are then influenced its development with the Mastiff and the Greyhound. Already in the 17TH century were dogs of European courts, existing class within the own race difference. In the 19th century there were some of these dogs with pedigrees of up to fourteen generations.

An exclusive Federation for this breed was established in the United Kingdom in 1882. Followed by another similar Federation in United States, in Chicago, in 1885 and accepted by the AKC in 1887. Finally in Germany in 1891 were the standards of great Dane perfect, being achieved worldwide recognition.

It was formerly used for hunting wild boars. In those days, small ears, were cut so that they were damaged in horrible profession. But it wasn't high and elegant cut that normally makes them today, it was a cut low, being the ears just a few triangles of skin. In certain illustrations where are the dogs fajados with wild boar, put the dogs a protective mesh.

10.Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound or Irish Hound, is a very high haired hound. This breed of dog is the highest of all the known races. The minimum height of the male is 81 cm. (32-inch) to the shoulders; beating the great Dane by 5 cm. (2 inch). However, none of these two races has limits on the maximum height, and great Dane being a much more popular dog, usually the highest dog registry given deservedly to a great Dane.

The Irish Wolfhound is not only a very high dog, documented since the times of the Roman Empire, this dog was used as a guardian and in the wars; being your most useful as a dog for hunting large and dangerous animals. For its size, speed, and other qualities, this dog was used to hunt wolves and reindeer.

In recent years the Irish Wolfhound has been used in various functions, including police dog, and that for centuries has proving to be a wonderful pet, at present is mostly used as a companion dog.

As a note of interest, we mentioned that the Irish Wolfhound is the national dog of Ireland.

Esta raza es natural de Irlanda. Se estima que haya sido llevada a esta isla por los celtas, posiblemente desde el año 279 a.C.

Its origins date back to the year 295 and are descendants of the greyhounds, set of breeds of dogs that were the Kings of speed in races by their elongated physical Constitution. The Irish Celts were interested in raising these large sighthounds to hunt. Until the 17TH century, has been protagonist of hunting animals large as wild boar, red deer and wolves. Later, the Romans would imported it from Ireland.

In 1862 is rescued edge race extinction making crosses of other large breeds of the German Mastiff and Deerhoung or Scottish deerhound-like traits.

Physical features of the Irish Wolfhound

He is recognized as the dog high in the world, very tight to the German Mastiff, great Dane, reaching a height of 95-100 cm at the withers. the size and weight minimum in males tends to be 79 cm and 54.5 kg, while in females it is 71 cm and 40.5 kg. It is thinner than the Dogue German but more robust than Greyhound.

Strong appearance, it has a long snout slightly pointed, small ears, dark almond-shaped eyes, elongated neck, muscular and deep chest. The top line and its long tail are slightly curved. A dog's hair is strong, thick and hard, corto-medio which can be of different colors: black, grey, white, Brindle or red.

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